Configuración de Productos

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Detalles de Productos

Intel Xeon E3-1220v5 [210A33FFF08F5AE9] Hungary
(Dedicated Servers)
CPU: E3-1220v5 3.5GHz
Cores: 4 cores 4 threads
Disk: 1x 500GB SSD
Network: 1gbps
Bandwidth: 1gbps shared
IPKVM+IPMI: Always on
SLA: Best Effort
IPv4: 1x /32
IPv6: 1x /56
Astramark: 13972

Ciclo de Facturación

Opciones Configurables

Información Adicional Requerida

Please explain what type of OS (In case of BSD or Linux option) you would like us to install and how

Complementos Disponibles

Package includes 3 hours of system administration with security updates and simple software installation (details

Package includes 6 hours of system administration with advanced security and software installation (details

Order this addon to request our system administrators to perform one-off tasks on your system. Purchase of this addon must be negotiated beforehand via tickets.

If you require our system administrators to perform a manual setup and configuration of a non-listed OS you will need to order this package.

Monthly payment for Windows Server license

Dedicated server license for CPanel with a license limit of 100 accounts

10 domains WordPress Toolkit SE

30 domains WordPress Toolkit Subscription Management Account Management

Unlimited domains WordPress Toolkit Subscription Management Account Management Reseller Management

Sumario de Pedido

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