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Últimes notícies

New Location - USA, New York 29 Jan 2024

We are proud to announce new location for our Cloud servers. Datacenter Teleport on Staten Island is very close to Manhattan. New York datacenter offers everything you need in a Tier 3+ Data... Més »

Happy 2024! 20 Dec 2023

We have launched an 2024 promocode for 40% off recurring service payments. That means any Cloud or Dedicated server will be 40% off ordered within 15th of December 2023 and 31st of January... Més »

New SEPA account - Revolut, Terms of Service and Privacy Policy updated 20 Jul 2023

We are happy to announce that we are changing our SEPA bank to Revolut. This will improve processing and allow features like and automated processing for incoming funds. If you... Més »